Thursday, July 16, 2015
Day # 3 of amazing opportunities
There are many words to share
today some which are almost indescribable; however, two in particular that
resonate: beauty and transformation.
We were able to visit Grace
Village, do Elder Visits and, along with the transition boys from Grace
Village, we handed out ‘Feed My Starving Children’ manna-packs to the Haitians
around Titanyen.
Transformation was seen at
Grace Village with some of the children since last year. They have been transitioned to family style housing
almost one year ago. This family style
housing has rejuvenated Grace Village and you can see new beginnings and
promising futures for these children.
We were able to visit three
elder homes after our visit to Grace Village.
We washed their hands and feet, rubbed them with lotion, delivered them
a meal, prayed and worshiped along side them.
The JOY that was felt between those walls was beautiful!
Today brought a sense of healing,
hope and inspiration in a broken country.
- Kimberly Flemino & Tara
So glad you were all able to love on the elderly!!!!