Monday, July 20, 2015

Overwhelming...(a look back at Day 5 -Friday)

Day 5


Today we started our day at 6:00 AM enjoying a Haitian Church Service at Church on the Rock (Tent Church)!  The beautiful Haitian people welcomed us and you could feel the Holy Spirit fill the church.  This particular church holds church every day and service can last up to 4 hours.  We stayed for about an hour.  The Haitian’s have a very open and freeing way about how they worship.  Most are constantly walking up and down or in between the aisles, hands in the air, while praying either to themselves or repeating the Pastor’s words of praise.  It truly puts one in awe to watch.  I felt challenged by this as church attenders in America don’t embrace the same freeness; at least at the churches I’ve attended.  It was a wonderful experience and the view was amazing.

Then we went on a little road trip of sorts.  To say that the trip was sensory overload may be a bit of an understatement.  The sights, sounds and smells we experienced are hard to put into words.   Looking out the window of the “top top” (our transportation vehicle) was mile after mile of more people than should ever be located in a given space.  Canals and streets heaped with trash as far as the eye can see.  People going about their lives in such a way that would seem unfathomable to many of us, but for most smiles and contentment radiating from many of the faces.  Traffic that just makes you wonder how in the world these people can possibly get to where they are going (the MN zipper has not found it’s way to Haiti), yet this organized chaos seems to work and amazingly people get to their destinations unscathed.
We headed off toward Carrefour to check out where they make beautiful Einstein wooden bowls.  It’s great to see the Haitian’s being so resourceful.  They try to make the most out of everything they have and use.

We visited the La Lou Orphanage/School where we spent a beautiful afternoon with the children there.  It doesn’t take long for the children to warm up to us.  Typically they either come right up to us or as soon as we make contact with them by saying BonJou or BonSwa they are jumping into our arms.  We painted their faces (and some painted ours!), played and sang songs.  Always a little bittersweet leaving these special places, but hoping that we were able to bring a little sunshine and lots of love to their day because we know they bring lots of love to our day. 

Our last stop of the day was at the General Hospital in Port-Au-Prince.  This was truly an eye opening experience for those who have not visited hospitals of this kind before.  Being as blessed as we are in the United States, it is hard and sometimes very frustrating to take in the conditions that some must endure.  Walking into rooms filled with babies in rusted cribs and not so clean sheets can seem to us, very unfair.  But in their reality, these children are in the best possible place they have.  It was an honor to pass out little bags of supplies to the mothers and fathers sitting with their children, being able to hold these precious babies and share in the beautiful music that Jeff provided.  We are so blessed to be traveling with Jeff—it is truly amazing to see the powerful impact of music on all people!  The grateful looks on the parent’s faces were more than we could have possibly hoped for!!  Music is a universal language of love everywhere!

We ended our day sitting outside sharing pizza and fellowshipping together.  What an awesome group God brought together to Love the special people of Haiti!!!

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